Saturday, October 15, 2011

10 Reasons Not to be a Christian

10.The Crusades
9.  The Inquisitions
8.  The History of Europe (Church as State is a scary thing see #9)
7.  The Partnership of Colonization and Christian Missions (for centuries - hello Africa)
6.  The Church's Treatment of the Gay Community
5.  The Silence of the Vatican and much of the Protestant Church During the Holocaust
4.  The Vatican's Handling of Child Sexual Abuse
3.  The Politicization of Christianity in America (the Moral Majority not so much WWJD)
2.  The Hypocrisy of Christians (guilty as charged)
1.  Jesus Meant It (Love your enemy, Blessed are the peacemakers, the meek shall inherit the earth...)

What are your reasons?


Whitney Ford said...

The idea that God would sentence people to an eternal punishment for a temporal crime. I can't wrap my head around it.

Doug said...

The idea that the only way to heaven is through Christ.