Thursday, February 23, 2012

Hunger Games

I am hungry.  I am hungry for less of me and more of Jesus.  I am hungry for sacrifice.  I am hungry for a community that meets people where they are...a community more concerned about following Christ than studying Christ.  I am hungry for authenticity and transparency.  I am hungry for bondages broken, addictions busted, and oppressions laid low.  I am hungry for the consumer church to stop gorging itself and start feeding the hungry and the hopeless.  I am hungry for radical obedience and uncommon self-denial.  I am hungry for danger, for risk, for un-comfortable zones.  I am hungry for the church to stop confusing tradition with traditionalism.  I am hungry for worship to be a lifestyle and not a worship style.  I am hungry for a movement and not a methodology.   

I am hungry for the kingdom of God.


chick-n-man said...

Boomshakalaka brother! Love it.

Anonymous said...

I wish we were all this hungry. Well put.

Anonymous said...

I seem to have a battle going on in my head everytime I worship at the mega church we attend. Most of the time I turn it off, but sometimes I wonder if we spent less on "the production" and more on helping others, wouldn't this be most pleasing to Christ? Is the money spent on "the production" leading more people to follow Christ? Maybe so, but the battle in my heart and mind continues.

Mecco said...

What’s wrong? Why is the church so…content? Where do you get “radical obedience and uncommon self-denial”? What can you do to change things?
You are just another pastor with a desire to lead Christians into a deeper walk with God, and despite your best effort, you just cannot. Why? Is a science question, a fix it question, a “I can do this” question. Jesus said to “pray to the Lord of the harvest…”; Peter said to “Cast all your cares on Him…”; Paul said to “Rejoice in the Lord…”; James said “if anyone lacks wisdom, let him ask God…”. I think they all felt your hunger too.
Where is God in all this consumer church? What is He doing? Can I help? And if I cannot, please can You show me how to helpful in what You are doing?
Those that wait upon the Lord will re-new their strength…