Monday, July 27, 2009

Stop Frontin

The website defines the word "front" as "to put on a fake or false personality; not keeping it real." A few weeks ago my wife and I were getting ready for bed when I told her that I felt like I was playing around with Christianity. I felt like my commitment to Christ was something determined by my mood-at-the-moment or when it was convenient. My wife responded, "Sometimes I wonder if I am only a Christian because you are one." I am a pastor, but it's hard not putting up a Christian front when you have everything you could ever need and your vocation is to be "religious." I live a life of comfort, ease, and often excess that millions around the globe can scarcely imagine. Just last week our church hosted its annual week long revival/pot-luck fest, and every evening I left physically bloated and spiritually conflicted. In his mercy, God was present throughout our daily worship services, but my mind and my heart repeatedly wondered if I would be so readily "spiritual" or "religious" were the revival held in a refugee camp in Darfur with men, women, and children starving to death all around me. I want to claim that I long to come to the end of "American" or "Western" religiosity and that I long to know and to be know by Christ with stark, unpretentious authenticity. But there is one problem; I'm not sure I'm ready to meet, follow, and serve God on his terms. What if God is not how the American Church has defined him? What if he really is calling me to lose my life in order to save it?


Robin Lambright said...

I think all Christians ask these questions? I often wonder what I would do if my life was on the line and I had to truly step out for Jesus?

But then there are many smaller moments through out the day where I very deliberately make a faith pronpuncement when I am kind to the rude crasher or patient in the Wal-Mart check out line, but then that can NOT be compared to the perils of some of the more dangerous mission fields that the obedient step upon.

Isn't it wonderful that God understand all our what if's and loves us anyway!
