Space. Just a little bit of space. Is that asking too much? Yes I know you know with untold, eternal certainty, but please just a little space. Some of us don't have your certainty. Some of us have doubt. Some of us have failure. Some of us have scars. I know you know. I'm sorry if my doubt threatens you. I'm sorry if my failure flies in the face of your "faith." I'm sorry if my scars are too ugly for your holy eyes. I'm sorry if I'm too human.
I've got it. Put me in a box. It'll make you feel better. You can manage my space. Just enough room to survive but never thrive. Go ahead squeeze me in: gay/straight, democrat/republican, Christian/Muslim, white/black, citizen/immigrant...more boxes please! Wait...don't forget the labels.
I know what your thinking, "Give you space? You must be out your @&$!?&$ mind! There's only room for one pilgrim's progress - MINE!" Sorry I keep forgetting.
Space just might be the final frontier in a world full of boxes.
1 comment:
It's all too easy to categorize. As we've discussed among ourselves many times, discipleship, ministry and relationships themselves are messy and they require us to get involved. Maybe we're uncomfortable with the doubts of others because we aren't as grounded ourselves in what we believe as we would like to think. Sometimes it's also just too ugly for our human psyches to bear.
Fortunately, God can take it. He is OK with the doubts and He's OK with the ugliness and the pain and the struggle. The problem with so many of us, though, is that we also put Him in a box, assuming that He can only think or act in a way that our finite minds can comprehend. When we finally let Him out of the box, just imagine the freedom and the breathing room that we gain.
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