Monday, July 8, 2013

Commercials, Snapshots, and Selfies

Whether it takes a few seconds or a solid minute, the meaning and value of our lives is shaped by commercials, snapshots, and selfies.  That commercial runs with the too perfect family bonding as they trek hand in hand through Home Depot for that just right DIY weekend project.  "Hey honey what do you say we build a new stone patio with a pre-engineered swing set for the kiddos right next to it on our perfectly manicured lawn?"  Moments later the family is hard at work in the back yard.  Dad pauses ever so briefly from the final touches on the three story swing set to rustle little Tommy's hair.  Dad's lilly white teeth gleam in the evening sun as his gaze rests on his wife and daughter as they tidy up the freshly laid stone patio.  The aerial view pulls away and a voice assures us..."You can do it.  We can help."  I feel so empowered.

Or what about that SUV snapshot in your favorite magazine.  It has the mom with the figure no woman possesses who has actually given birth to two kids.  She's fit and fashionable, pretty hip for a mom.  She holds the door open as her exuberent kids pile into her rugged yet refined SUV with third row seating, hands free infotainment, and heated seats.  The tween girl in her soccer outfit has a look of practiced patience as her little brother attempts to dive passed her into the SUV violin case in tow.  Mom holding the door open for the kids looks at her tween daughter with a knowing shrug and smile.

Or what about the ever popular selfie.  I can take a picture of my self with my cutting edge digital device and post it on social media.  I can capture myself being or doing something that is super cool or outrageous.  I can capture myself looking like the person I really want to be and broadcast that to the world...that's who I am right now for all the world to see and in a few minutes I'll be someone else for all the world to see...and in a few minutes...

How much of our lives is measured by sound-bites?  How much of our value is based on expectations or standards portrayed in commercials, snapshots, and selfies?  Be honest.  It never lives up to the hype.  Maybe for a brief fleeting moment you live the dream, but more often than not you are left empty, underwhelmed, or dissatisfied.  If you're willing to be straight up you got all kinds of hopes and expectations that are being dashed on a daily basis.  Do you know where all those unmet expectations are coming from?  The car didn't do it.  The new house didn't fill you up.  Living through your kid wasn't the answer and neither was that personal trainer or Botox injection.  Like a kid playing on a perfectly constructed pre-engineered swing set I "double-dog" dare you to ask, "Where are my standards and expectations coming from?"  Be careful that's a rabbit hole that might just wreck you.

Saturday, July 6, 2013


Yesterday I picked up my oldest son from his week at Camp Glisson.  They end the week with a brief celebration where we parents get to listen to our kids sing crazy camp songs and watch a highlight reel of the week's activities.  The celebration ends with all of the counselors holding hands forming a circle around the campers and singing a final song of farewell.  This year tears welled in my eyes as the counselors sang, "I'll be praying for you every morning as I start off the day with the Lord.  I'll be praying that you're walking with Jesus and abiding in his Word."

My tears were brimming with awe and gratitude.  I was overcome by the awe-inspiring grace of a God who didn't simply transform my life he transformed my entire family.  Not only did Jesus alter the course of my life he altered the course of my wife and children.  As the counselors' farewell filled the musty air, I was reminded that my oldest son was five when Jesus began to change my life.  I couldn't help but wonder where we would be today had we not stepped through the doors of Mount Pisgah UMC some eleven years ago. I was filled with an uncontainable gratitude.  How do you say thank you for a new destiny?  How do you say thank you for a new life?  How do you say thank you for a resurrection?

I'm not sure it's possible but I intend to spend my life giving it a try.

Click here for the counselor farewell song.