Allen, God has something planned for your life that only YOU can accomplish. Sometimes I get the feeling you know that and are trying to run from whatever this thing might be. Allen, you are a special person – you care and care deeply about people and things. Please don’t throw this gift away by making poor choices. You know how much I care, we are alike in many ways – maybe that is why I understand and love you so much.
Following the first worship service, a number of people approached me and thanked me for my transparency and vulnerability. My story and more importantly my dad's words provided them great hope and comfort. I left the sanctuary to find a quiet place to regroup and get prepared for the second service. My emotions were raw and tears began to pool in my eyes as a surge of gratitude coursed through my body. I could not stop thanking God. To think that God would use me a one time drunk, womanizer, and criminal to bring hope, comfort, and healing to others was overwhelming. I asked God, "Why? Why would you forgive me of all the things I've done and all the pain I've caused? Why would you change my heart and give me the opportunity to serve you?" The answer was quick and simple, "Because I love you."
Right now no matter where you are or what you are doing God wants to heal you, he wants to forgive you, he wants to restore you. He wants nothing more that to give you peace and purpose. You are never too broken, too battered, or too bad for God to whisper in your ear, "Because I love you."